Face Group invests in communication
As a result of a strategic concept of some Portuguese manufacturers that decided to join synergies in its internationalization process, the brand Face Group aims to be a lever to promote the best of what is done in Portugal.
A fundamental step to fulfill this goal was the creation of a website.
Thinking of all those that want to discover this group and what is done in the cutlery sector in Portugal, this website was designed to provide a very easy and intuitive navigation, giving priority to the different products the brand sells.
Thus, in the ‘About’ section, you can get to know more about Face Group, the values that guide us and some of the clients who trust us. By visiting the ‘Products’ section you’ll find the wide range of solution we offer, since cutlery, knives, finishings or cutlery sets.
Ricardo Mota Selection presents itself as the choice of “those who have the pleasure of eating with excellent cutlery” and is composed of 6 models where elegance, quality and sophistication are keywords.
If you want to follow the news related to Face Group, the cutlery or the hospitality sector, visit our News page.
In the case you want to talk to us, learn how you can contact us in the Contact Page.
Visite the website and discover all the finesse of the Portuguese cutlery.